
Sunday, December 14, 2014

DIY Coconut Oil Dog Treat: 4 Ingredients & 4 Easy Steps

Some of you might finding it difficult to feed your dog coconut oil, You may want to try these no bake coconut dogs treat ! With just 4 ingredients and 4 easy to follow steps, your dog will be chowing down in no time.
Coconut Oil Dog Treat

  • 1/3 Cup Coconut Oil
  • 2-3 Tablespoons Peanut Butter
  • 2 1/2 Cups Rolled Oats
  • 1/3 Cup Finely Shredded Coconut


  1. Add Coconut Oil, Peanut Butter and Rolled Oats to food processor and mix until well combined.
  2. Scoop out bite sized pieces with a spoon and roll into little balls.
  3. Toss each ball gently in the finely shredded coconut until well coated.
  4. Place on a flat tray lined with baking paper, refrigerate for 30 minutes and serve.


  1. * Makes approximately 20 treats.
    * If the mixture is too dry or wet simply add extra oats or coconut oil to correct.
You can order Coconut Oil from HERE

Monday, December 8, 2014

How to Bursh Dog Teeth

Brushing your dog’s teeth is an important task, it’s not just about fresh breath anymore, good oral care is important to your dog’s overall health. But most of the dog owners are not aware about it. Periodontal is a common disease which may harm your dog’s oral health seriously, while regular brushing can prevent it!
Here is an infography, which may help you to know how to brush your dog’s teeth. 

how to brush dog's teeth
Click On the Image to Enlarge 
To get a oral care set for your dog Click Here.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Best Natural Food for Dogs: When Mixing Coconut Oil to Your Dogs Diet Seems Problematic

Some of our fans told us that they are finding it difficult to mix the right amount of coconut oil with dog food and feed them. Well, here are some products which may help you.

100% Natural 

Organic Coconut Chips

coconut oil for dogs
Organic Coconut Chips

A delicious treat for your dearest dog, Coco Therapy OrganicCoconut Chips are made from dehydrated 100% organic meat. No sugar added. Harmful salt and preservatives or any kind of chemicals which may harm your dog’s health.

The chips are raw and dehydrated at a low temperature with a slow process. The exact temperature is 98.6 F (37 C) which keeps the nutrients intact, by this, the your dog gets a fresh taste, a wonderful texture, and  contains all the benefits and nutrients found in coconuts.

Besides providing all the nutritional benefits of coconut oil the chips provide highly digestible fiber to support and maintain gastrointestinal health. This can be the best treat for your dog which is not harmful by any means.  The Coco TherapyOrganic Coconut Chips are not overly processed or do not contain any artificial ingredients which you may find in other products.


  1.  Enriched with dietary fiber.
  2. Maintains digestive and intestinal health.
  3. Maintains healthy weight.
  4. The recommended amount to give

The recommended amount is similar to those of coconut oil.  Give around 1-2 teaspoon per 10lb body weight, 1-2 times per day, sprinkled on food. You can give them the larger pieces as treats throughout the day as a treat. Dogs love it. And make sure that fresh water is available all the day.

Fruit Crunch

Fruit Crunch

Fruit Crunch is made from fresh organic fruits which have been freeze-dried to keep the nutrients and taste of fresh fruit, which creates a delicious crunchy treat that your dog will love. This freeze-dried fruits retain their color, shape, fresh flavor and over 92% of the nutritional value of the original fruit. And this freeze-dried fruit is fortified with Organic Coconut Oil which provides health benefits from medium chain fatty acids.


  1. Provides protective phytonutrients.
  2. Natural source of dietary fibers.
  3. A very good source of natural enzymes.
  4. Rich in powerful antioxidants.
  5. Contains natural vitamins and minerals.
  6. Provides beneficial medium-chain fatty acids.
  7. Supports a healthy immune-system.
  8. Low calories.
  9. Five Star Organic Coconut Training Treats

And if you want to feed your dog healthy vegetables,the Veggie Crunch is for you.

FiveStar Organic Coconut Training Treats

coconut oil, how to feed coconut oil dogs
Five Star Organic Coconut Training Treats 

This is a USDA certified organic coconut flour and organic coconut oil and 100% natural. The package does not contain grain oats, rye, barley.rice.wheat, corn or soy. This is an awesome treats for dogs with food allergies or dog with a sensitive stomach.  The tiny stars are perfect for dogs.  With low calory it can keep your dog harm free.

Organic coconut flour is enriched with dietary fiber and protein. And is gluten free, more nutritious than other grain free flours. Organic coconut flour contains vitamins, calcium, iron and amino acids. The coconut flour contains up to 50% Lauric Acid which makes the product healthy, low in carbohydrates. Coconut flour is a highly nutritious, consisting of 14% coconut oil and 58% dietary fiber.


1. Rich in beneficial medium chain fatty acids.

2. High in Fiber.

3. Contains beneficial amino acids

4. Low carbohydrate

5. Naturally anti-obesity.

 So choose your product wisely and keep your dog healthy. 

Monday, November 24, 2014

How to Use Coconut Oil for Dog Fleas : A Natural Flea Treatment for Dogs

Some of our fans asked, How to use Coconut Oil for dog fleas or is it a full natural treatment for dog fleas?
Coconut oil is a natural healer, it can protect your dog from skin diseases and from fleas and parasites if you use coconut oil topically regularly. But what to do when your dog has fleas? Can it be cured by coconut oil? Yes, absolutely. Here is the step by step instruction for you.  For the purpose, we used Virgin Coconut Oil. 
how to use coconut oil for dog fleas natural treatment for dog fleas

If you don’t know about the life cycle of fleas and how to keep your whole house clean and prevent this from happening again or want to speed up the flea treatment process a bit you must read  THIS article which was posted earlier.

Monday, October 27, 2014

How to Feed Your Dog Coconut Oil

How to Feed Your Dog Coconut Oil

Giving coconut oil to your dog is an excellent healthy option which can improve your dog’s quality of life. But there is a question I am asked on my way, how much is too much? Or how much is safe?

Start Slowly and Increase Gradually
At the beginning  start slowly and increase gradually. Too much coconut oil too soon can lead to digestive problems.
Large quantity of coconut oil can cause diarrhea or greasy stools while his body adjusts to the new diet. Start with small amounts, such as 1/4 teaspoon per day for small breeds or puppies and a full teaspoon for larger breeds. If your dog seems tired and acts negatively  or uncomfortable, cut the amount a little bit to give him time to adjust. You can divide the dose throughout the day. Coconut oil is best given with regular dog food, coconut oil can be added to any food at any meal.

Feeding Guidelines
A general and widely practiced  guideline for optimal dose for dogs is 1 teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight daily or 1 tablespoon per 30 pounds of weight. But it would not be wise to start with this amount in the beginning.
If you are used to cook for your dog, coconut oil  would be an excellent ingredient in the recipes.
Most dogs like coconut oil so it won't be that much problem with feeding them.
To know more about the coconut oil you can read my Earlier Post

Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Benefits You Get From Your Dog

When you are ill or injured the road to recovery is paved with medications and therapies, with a healthy diet, physical activity. In our daily life healing comes first. But what helps us most, to heal is not always found over the counter. Having a dog will change your life automatically. These furry co-dependents will fill your life with a lot of meaning, with love, loyalty and companionship. They will be always with you at the times of loss, strife, illness or other difficult times. Animal behaviorist noted that dogs ‘mourn’ in their own way. You can ask dog lovers. The dog not only have emotional power, but also it can help you to heal. It is not a coincidence that a dogs are brought into hospitals and rehabilitation centers, it makes people feel better physically or spiritually. People have cats and fish, but for most of us dogs have always been the thing. Last year a study found that owning a pet – especially a dog- improve cardiovascular health by keeping people active which also reduces stress and lower blood pressure and weight. Other research has suggested that petting a dog makes us feel better, because it causes the body to release the hormone of affection-inducing. Taking care of a dog can be challenging sometimes. But the positive side of petting a dog are countless. It can bring you back to the life. Because it is your pet all you care about and sometimes you have to live for them as they would not survive without you. 
Taking care of a dog can be challenging at times, and losing a pet is pure, unadulterated heartbreak. But the positives of letting a dog into your life far outweigh any potential negatives. I have witnessed time and again at the Imus Ranch how caring for an animal – whether a horse, dog, chicken or cow – can bring people back to life. It allows children and adults battling illness to put that all aside, if only for a few minutes, to take care of another. While this is not a dog’s intended purpose, it is a happy byproduct – just one of many. Having a dog is fun and it is all you need!!

Friday, June 6, 2014

No More Dog Flea

Is your dog biting the back of his legs and the back of his legs and the tail or rump also? Well, this etching pattern is something you should be worried about! Your dog  has  fleas for sure! You have not been applying some preventive product topically, which could prevent the fleas in the first place. If you don’t take any action fast, then your dog could end up with flea allergy dermatitis. Which is an uncomfortable itchy rash so your dog can get infected and can get a horrible look! Wait, don’t rush to the your nearest shop to buy crappy shampoos ! Don’t do that! These products are highly toxic and can be harmful for your dog! This is nothing but an unnecessary huge waste of money and time. Don’t be upset, we are not done yet you can still overcome the flea allergy dermatitis  and can say goodbye forever! But you must keep in mind that your pet is not creating the problem alone! Sad but true! 

It was not so long ago that fleas were hatched in your carpet, then got on your dog those will feed on your dog and lay 30-50 eggs each day! The cycle will be repeating forever! You must have noticed that the main culprit that should be blamed for is the environment. Here is some advice so you can beat flea allergy dermatitis : 
  1.  Treat your dog with ACTIVYL  or Advantix II  Don’t bathe it yet it won't help now. It may even get worse if you are not fast enough to get the treatment. And do not forget to use coconut oil topically, which is very help full and is clinically proven. coconut oil is best for the prevention of flea allergy dermatitis. 
  2.  Scatter Borax detergent on all your floors, carpet, rugs and brush it away. This detergent does dehydrate the eggs, larva so they are easy to clean up. 
  3.  If your dog has a bed, you should treat the mattresses with borax and clean it up well. 
  4. Three days after you apply the treatment, you can bathe your dog to remove the dirt on their skin. 
  5. Repeat the cycle every two weeks, for three times more. 

Always remember, that prevention is better than cure. I think you have now concluded to continue the treatment monthly that will benefit you in the long term. And always keep your house clean or it won’t be long before you are back where you started. Be happy keep safe and say goodbye to the flea allergy dermatitis
.Apply Coconut oil topically or orally. Keep your dog safe! To read more about coconut oil benefits please click HERE.

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