
Monday, October 27, 2014

How to Feed Your Dog Coconut Oil

How to Feed Your Dog Coconut Oil

Giving coconut oil to your dog is an excellent healthy option which can improve your dog’s quality of life. But there is a question I am asked on my way, how much is too much? Or how much is safe?

Start Slowly and Increase Gradually
At the beginning  start slowly and increase gradually. Too much coconut oil too soon can lead to digestive problems.
Large quantity of coconut oil can cause diarrhea or greasy stools while his body adjusts to the new diet. Start with small amounts, such as 1/4 teaspoon per day for small breeds or puppies and a full teaspoon for larger breeds. If your dog seems tired and acts negatively  or uncomfortable, cut the amount a little bit to give him time to adjust. You can divide the dose throughout the day. Coconut oil is best given with regular dog food, coconut oil can be added to any food at any meal.

Feeding Guidelines
A general and widely practiced  guideline for optimal dose for dogs is 1 teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight daily or 1 tablespoon per 30 pounds of weight. But it would not be wise to start with this amount in the beginning.
If you are used to cook for your dog, coconut oil  would be an excellent ingredient in the recipes.
Most dogs like coconut oil so it won't be that much problem with feeding them.
To know more about the coconut oil you can read my Earlier Post

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